Netplayseeker - Games Launcher



File Uploads

Duke Nukem 3D Uploads / Blood Uploads / Shadow Warrior Uploads


Getting Started
Setting up EDuke32-OldMP33 (NetDuke32)


  Netplayseeker Maps and Mods Upload: Uploading your Usermap will allow your map to be auto downloaded on Netplayseeker if a player joins your room that doesn't have the map you are playing on!  

Netplayseeker is a work in progress games launcher in its Alpha Stage for games such as Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior and Blood etc.

It features a Global Chat Room, with Room Advertising, and helps set up games using the Source Ports available for those games.


List of Features

Global Chat - People will be able to chat to each other and see who's online.

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) - Instead of you having to manually find which ports to open for each new online game, UPnP does it for you. However, if you decide to go the manual port forwarding route, there are online tutorials on how to open specific ports for certain games and devices.


As Netplayseeker is still in an Early Access Alpha Stage, some features might not work or function, and bugs may exist.

Netplayseeker Alpha now supports EDuke32-OldMP / NetDuke32 working up to 16 players.

Room chatting is now working inside the rooms.


User Maps Work
Up to 16 players.

Disable Friendly Fire option.
Enable Weapon Stay option.
Allow Visibility Adjustment option.
Fraglimit option.

No Mod Support yet, but I believe you can still copy a PK3 file into your mods folder such as StrikerDM to play it.

hDuke has all the same features available.

Dukematch Support.
Team Dukematch and Team Forts support.
Cooperative Mode support.

User Maps Work
Fraglimit option.
Spectate a game option.
Start with all weapons option.
Disable Expander in all weapons mode option.
Force Respawn option.
Disable Pistol option.
Disable Coop View in all modes option.
Enable Chronometer option.
Enable special Fragbar for Team Games option.

Ability for all players to select their teams before starting the game.
Record demo option available. (Demo file is "demo1.dmo" inside the SourcePort folder, however I am looking into an hDuke version that stores them into the Demos folder automatically.)

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) - Instead of you having to manually find which ports to open for each new online game, UPnP does it for you. However, if you decide to go the manual port forwarding route, there are online tutorials on how to forward specific ports for certain games and devices.

Some bug fixes.

  Netplayseeker Alpha Version 3836 Win32 - Released (May 21st 2022)  

List of Source Ports that are currently working

Duke Nukem 3D Source Ports:

HDUKE 246555 rv18k BETA58: Up to 8 players for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic. (You need to copy the game files "duke3d.grp" and "duke.rts" files in order for it to work.)
NetDuke32 v1.2.1 - (Website): Up to 16 players for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic and works with the 20th Anniversary files. (You need to copy the game files "duke3d.grp" and "duke.rts" files in order for it to work.)

You can buy Duke Nukem 3D Atomic here.

Blood Source Ports:

NBlood: Blood port based on EDuke32 (Forum) - Buy on Steam that includes the original Blood and addons: Plasma Pak and Cryptic Passage. (Game files needed to be copied from the original (BLOOD.INI, BLOOD.RFF, BLOOD000.DEM-BLOOD003.DEM, GUI.RFF, SOUNDS.RFF, SURFACE.DAT, TILES000.ART-TILES017.ART, VOXEL.DAT).


Netplayseeker - Screenshots


Netplayseeker - Things that are not available yet.

The Auto Update is not complete, it just alerts for now.

- LAN games are not supported yet.
- Shadow Warrior Source Ports
- Mod support.
- Resizing of fonts and colors, but you can resize some of the windows.

- A port check is not available yet to check your room when hosting to make sure people can connect to you, so even if you host a room just now, make sure your port really is forwarded for people to join (UPnP also can sometimes do this for you).

- Adding Encryption for the networking.
- Completing Passworded Rooms (Now working).
- A few other related stuff.

No Linux Support, not sure if will do that in the future but I have looked into it, and also you can run this on Wine.

Win32 available.


May 21st 2022 Alpha Version 3836
Fixed hDuke when launching the game with Demo Recording enabled, it now adds the command line "-renamedemo" so that the demos get put into the Demos folder and named.

May 17th 2022 Alpha Version 3835
Netplayseeker now supports Direct IP joining through Discord.
Just host a room and make sure your ports are connectable and then advertise your game on Discord with a link such as <netseeker://ipaddress:port>.

Then when someone clicks on the link from Discord they should be able to join your room as long as they have used the new version of Netplayseeker at least once.
And remember to make sure they do have their correct path to the games you host or it won't work on their end when launching the game.

I will add more checks later if they don't have the game set up.

This currently also avoids the need for a password to enter a passworded room if joining from Discord but I will look at implementing it soon.

April 10th 2022 Alpha Version 3834
Made the new Passworded Rooms feature
more secure. (Checks now server sided).

April 7th 2022 Alpha Version 3833
Completed Passworded Rooms and now Players will be prompted to enter a Password before they can enter your room. (I don't recommend using passwords that you have used before for security reasons)
as they are unencrypted.

This should make Private Rooms more private if just playing with friends.

March 24th 2022 Alpha Version 3832
Updated to try fix duplicated nicknames on the Players List in the Lobby when logging in.
There may be issues with the auto reconnect on timeout new feature, and I am investigating that issue also.

March 29th 2022 - Quick update to executable for Hosting Rooms the launch button now gets disabled on launching a game to prevent pushing it more than once in case the game is already running.

Feb 20th 2022 Alpha Version 3831
a few issues with the Connect button still being enabled when already connected.

Added a new feature to reconnect if you lose the connection to the Master Server.
It will now try to reconnect every minute until it gets connected again and re-advertise your room if it was advertised and hosting allowing you to stay online even if you get timed out.

Fixed an exception error when closing the application when your host room was open.

Feb 18th 2022 Alpha Version 3830
the ability for players to now see what country players are from based on their IP Address in rooms with their Country Flag being displayed using a free GeoLite2 database file "GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" link.

Changed a few referernces from EDuke32-OldMP to NetDuke32 since the SourcePort has changed its name.

Dec 8th 2021 Alpha Version 3829 Update 2
Changed the selecttion of Source Ports from EDuke32-OldMP to allow selecting the NetDuke32 instead inside the SourcePorts configuration menu.

August 8th 2021 Alpha Version 3829
a Ping Latency check (This is still being worked on and is not complete but works partially and is being tested still.)
Changed some graphical icons now look a bit better such as the ready/unready icons as well as the passworded room icons.
The Login button has been changed to the Connect button.
Some GUI adjusted as the Team row went missing.

June 9th 2021 Alpha Version 3828
Updateded binary download keeping it the same version number.

When you resize some of the Windows for the width and the height they are now saved to the "netseek.cfg" config file and on starting the program up again it loads your saved Window sizes back so you don't have to keep resizing the application on each startup.

Fixed a minor bug also with the Host on NBlood rooms being able to launch when players were not ready.

And fixed an issue with the NBlood SourePort connecting to a Netplay game the Clients needed to wait 5 seconds before connecting to the Host or it would result in a Packet error.
So for now the "-setup" menu has been disabled and changed to the "-nosetup" command line on launch to avoid timing issues.

June 8th 2021 Released Alpha Version 3828
NBlood added to the clients side and now launching games now work for netplay games and work with usermaps for NBlood.
All players connect and choose the settings inside the Game Menu system once connected.

June 7th 2021 Unreleased Alpha Version 3828
Added Usermap and directory checks for Client joining NBlood rooms and the Website URL usermap transfer works then attempts a connection to the room.
Got the second File Transfer feature working with NBlood rooms now when the Host sends the Usermap to the Clients.

May 17th 2021 Unreleased Alpha Version 3828
Tried to resize and allow resizing of some of the Dialog Windows to work on smaller resolutions 800x600 to try prevent people from getting cut off windows chopping problems.

May 9th 2021 Unreleased Alpha Version 3828
Added NBlood host room usermaps -map command for 1 player only game launching.

April 30th 2021 Unreleased Alpha Version 3828
Fixed a control got resized by mistake

April 21st 2021 Unreleased Alpha Version 3828
Fixed duplicating usermap list dropdown box from showing twice

April 19th 2021 Alpha Version 3827 Released
Fixed command line issues were it was reading the settings wrong.
Fixed Client Side game settings info display from getting mixed up when a game was running.
Fixed duplicate use of the -map command line.

April 8th 2021
Added a second File Transfer feature that works on XP when entering a new room to transfer the usermaps if you dont have it on Client Side.

18th March 2021
Fixed two labels that were not transparent on win7.

March 13th 2021 Alpha Version 3825 Released
Added File Transfer feature that downloads from the HTTPS Webserver database for missing maps when joining rooms at the location of: ( ) which should work for Windows versions 7 and above.

For Windows XP users I will add another File Transfer feature that works on XP later on.

You can upload your own maps here:

March 8th 2021 Alpha Version 3825
Added config game path checks for people joining rooms and updated the config game path checks for also the host of the room to make sure their SourcePort is set up including their UserMaps folder path.

Jan 9th 2021
*fixed UPnP didnt work if no cfg present

Dec 28th 2020
*fixed the number of players shown on the rooms list for EDuke32-OldMP was not showing properly.
*fixed Eduke32-OldMP Players that were not ready the host still could launch the game.

Dec 27th 2020
* Fixed the first time you start Netplayseeker up without a cfg being present the usermaps list was not showing up on the dropdown options for the rooms settings.

Dec 26th 2020
* Bug fixed joining a room error message fix..
* Create room check config path before creating a room.

Dec 25th 2020
* EDuke32-OldMP now added and playable.

30th Sep 2020
* Add User to a Room done.

Nov 8th 2020
* Usermaps now work if they exist for both Client Server in the Usermaps folder.

Nov 7th 2020
* Detected if yang.txt if exist remove it but also put it back after game has closed. (YANG and hDuke Sourceport Compatibility issues leaving the file in its place.)
* Added server side extra update UserList to all clients to prevent invisible users and fixed crash if netseek config did not exist.

Nov 6th 2020
* Fixed Client join room wrong parameters mixup.

Nov 4th 2020
* Fixed Team Selection issue it now stays on the Team that was selected.

Nov 1st 2020
* Finished the ready button and server cant launch until all players are ready now.

30th oct 2020
* Test sleep timer to try resolve blank userlist on login.

Oct 28th 2020
* Coded Client Sided Ready Button.

26th Oct 2020
* Update alert system created to check if out of date version used.

Oct 6th 2020
* UPnP implemented.

5th Oct 2020
* Fixed crash with Room Clients Parameters a text box being not visible but still used caused errors.

4th Oct 2020
Fixed some crashing bugs etc.

Oct 3rd 2020
* launching games working for all players.
* Added Timers to re-advertise room when someone connects and disconnects for the player amount to show up on the Rooms List.

Oct 3rd 2020
* hDuke Client side command lines fixed as they were incorrect.
* Fixed bug on TlistView change event.
* Enabled more key char for nicknames.

Oct 2nd 2020
* Got Remote IP when Advertising room for the Host.
* Finished the room full limit now clients can't join if room is full.
* Got Client side room settings working fetched from Server and userlist

28th sep 2020
* Fixed loading cfg issue on focused window when using multiple instances of launcher.

Oct 1st 2020
UserList working on Game Rooms working.

29th Sep 2020
* Disabled change Nickname box on connecting to server.

28th Sep 2020
* Double Click now works on the Rooms List to join a room.

Sep 25th 2020
* Got the Rooms List working both Server and Client side to display.

Sep 22nd 2020
* Added extra check room list to remove if they are not on userlist.

Sep 20th 2020
* Config file now saves for the TCP Port info.
* Room Advertise working Server sided.

Sep 19th 2020
Got game to work a bit with 1 player in the room (Launching game by yourself).

Sep 18th 2020
* hDuke room added for server.

Sep 14th 2020
* Fixed Usermap location on Windows XP. (Now works on Windows XP).

Sep 12th 2020
* Added restriction 2 sec limit on sending messages to prevent flooding.

Sep 11th 2020
* Global chat works with the userlist working too.

Sep 9th 2020
* Fully got working userlist.

Sep 8th 2020
* Got the UserList working partially.
* Got TCP networking connected up first time.

Sep 7th 2020
*Added saving the settings to a cfg file.

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